Autumn and beyond... !

Autumn and beyond...

Alice Wragg

We’ve just had Harvest Festival, the school Halloween Disco is imminent and all I can think about is Christmas Cake!...

The bakery and office are a hive of activity at this time of year. Deliveries of essential ingredients and packaging arrive throughout the day and all focus is on the Christmas baking. Trying to gauge how much of everything we will sell, scheduling the time to bake everything and the careful process of wrapping all of those goodies is a real balancing act!

The phone is definitely ringing more as October nears an end with those folks who are super organised with their Christmas gift buying and many customers who know that if they don’t buy their Meg Rivers Christmas favourites sooner rather than later then they might be disappointed.

I can still enjoy Autumn in all its glory (despite the distraction of Christmas) and the smell of bonfires and watching the leaves turn on Horse Chestnut trees are daily delights on my journey to and from work.

Alice x 

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